Monday, January 13, 2014

A true leader is willing to sacrifice their success for the success of others, and that is something I understand and am willing to do.

Hey everybody!!!  sounds like you all had a great week with a lot of big news!  That is so awesome!  Things are going great here too.  This week has been one of the most exhausting but one of the most fun as well!  This week I got Elder Cooper as a new companion and we have had so much fun!  We have also been very busy.  We got two new elders for Hoorn this week and so I had to show them around Hoorn and the people we are working with there and I also had to show Elder Cooper around and the people we are working with.  We also have to give a zone training next week that will last 4 hours!  so we are doing a LOT of planning for that.  We spent most of Thursday and most of Friday planning for our Zone Vision for the transfer and our Zone Training.  Our theme that we came up with this transfer is "Do what YOU do with Jesus Christ".  There are 2 main parts to this vision. 1. Do what YOU do.  There are so many missionaries who come in to the field and are told what to do and turn into robots.  It wears on them and they end up not enjoying their mission.  We are going to help them find out who they are as missionaries and find out what they want to accomplish out here.  The second part 2. is finding out who the Lord is and what His will is for them personally.  And the goal for this transfer is to help them align their will with the will of the Lord.  Elder Cooper and I have both experienced this in the first year of our mission.  It has changed, not only my mission, but my life.  We are SO excited to work with these missionaries and hopefully help them experience the same change.  The role of a zone leader involves a lot of planning.  It is a different type of missionary work.  We still have investigators and teach them, but we focus a lot more time on the members of the zone.  A true leader is willing to sacrifice their success for the success of others, and that is something I understand and am willing to do.  I have learned so much by doing that too.  I love it and really hope that I can help these missionaries come closer to the Lord and become more effective at helping them bring others closer to Christ.On Saturday we visited the members of the zone and introduced the zone plan to them.  They are very excited about it and we made sure to tell them that we cant do it for them but it needs to come from themselves.  They need to open their hearts, and I pray they will.  Sunday was church, and on the way I got pulled over by a cop!  They were out that morning just pulling random people over and doing a Breathalyzer test haha so I had to blow into this thing.  Don't worry,  I wasn't drunk :)  We had a great day at church.  This morning we came to Amsterdam to give a District Leader Council.  We almost ran out of gas on the way haha but by the grace of God we made it.  It was a good council and the district leaders liked it.  It wasn't much of a pday though but it was still fun.  Anyways, I am running out of time and I gotta go. I love you all so much!  have a good week.
Elder Bishop

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